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Soil rolling - discover the benefits for your field

Rolling is a necessary procedure that contributes to maintaining the balance in groundwater and greatly facilitates the preparation of soil for sowing or planting. Its process consists in kneading, crushing lumps and leveling the surface of the earth using special ones cultivation rollers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits it brings rolling soil and what kind agricultural machinery can be used for this purpose.

The benefits of soil rolling

cultivation roller by pressing the earth to the ground, it creates a soil cover that effectively reduces the evaporation of water from the soil. In this way, the soil retains moisture during drought and heat, which is especially important for young plants and seedlings, which can be damaged even by a short-term water shortage.

Another asset rolling soil is to keep the field surface evenly level. Rolling allows you to remove lumps and unevenness, and thus facilitates the work of others agricultural machinery in the field. In addition, it allows for better use of fertilizers, which are not lost in places where the soil is too compact or too loose.

Another advantage of the procedure rolling compaction of the soil, as a result of which the process of seed germination is accelerated. Thanks to this, the seedlings are firmly embedded in the soil and develop much faster.

Types of rolling

Procedure rolling Soil can be divided into three basic types:

  • kneading – this type of rolling is based on use ring rollers i smoothwhich enable strong pressing of the furrow after plowing. These rollers are also effective in leveling the damaged surface, creating optimal conditions for further agricultural work,
  • deep – the deep method is characterized by intensive penetration into the soil layers, which compresses and accelerates the process of its subsidence. In this case, special ones are used Campbell ring rollers and/ or string,
  • crushing – is a process that combines rolling and compaction, aiming at crushing clods or crushing the hard soil crust. To achieve the desired effect, shafts of considerable mass are used, such as Cambridge embankments.

Soil rolling tools

For the procedure rolling special tools and machines are used, including in the first place cultivation rollers. Today there are many types cultivation rollersdepending on the effect you want to achieve.

A good example of a tool for rolling soil is among others cultivation roller HUGE 3.2, 5.2 and/ or 6.2 designed for leveling and breaking lumps in the soil. It is very popular among farmers, because it offers a choice of different types of rings - Cambridge, Crosskill and Łąkowe. Thanks to this, the manufacturer allows the individual customer to adjust the appropriate machine components depending on the type of soil, cultivation, as well as the depth and required compaction force.