FHUP BRASTAL is a dynamically developing company that started its activity in 1993.

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Basic agricultural equipment on a farm

Modern agriculture is developing dynamically mainly thanks to the use of advanced technologies. In this context, agricultural machinery play a key role. They reduce manual work, significantly increasing crop efficiency and productivity. Selecting the right equipment is therefore essential to maximizing the potential of every farm.

Agricultural tractor

Agricultural tractor is a basic tool on every farm. It is primarily used to pull various machines and devices, such as seeders, trailers, plows, disc harrows or tilling sets.

Tractors they are characterized by low pressure on the ground, which is important in protecting the soil structure and preventing its degradation. Variety of models tractors available on the market allows you to adjust their power, drive and size to the specific requirements of a given farm. Additionally, modern models are equipped with advanced technologies, including GPS systems and automatic control. As a result, they make work much easier and increase the efficiency of field work. Their technological development is a response to the growing requirements of modern agriculture.

Tillage units

Cultivating aggregates are an important element of farm equipment. Their primary task is to properly prepare the soil for sowing to obtain the highest quality crops. They are characterized by the ability to perform many different treatments during one pass, such as grinding, loosening and even leveling the soil. This multi-tasking approach not only increases work efficiency, but also contributes to saving time and resources, which is important in optimizing agricultural processes.

The most common models cultivation aggregates these are disc and tooth types, which offer different structures and purposes. This diversity allows the unit to be tailored to individual needs, thus allowing you to choose the most appropriate machine for the prevailing soil conditions and crop requirements.

It is also worth paying attention to innovative ones cultivation and sowing aggregates, which, equipped with hydropacks, enable simultaneous cultivation and sowing work. This combination of functions, in turn, reduces the number of trips and equipment needed.


Combine are machines with many functions, indispensable during harvest. They enable quick and effective collection of various types of plants, which significantly reduces the need to employ many people to work in the field. Different types are used depending on the type of crop combines: cereals, potatoes, for harvesting beets and fruit plants. Each is specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of each crop type.


Sprayers have wide application in agriculture. Their main function is to protect plants against pests and fertilize them. These two activities are key to maintaining crop health and productivity. There are various types available on the market sprayers, ranging from simple manual models ideal for smaller areas, to advanced self-propelled devices that work well in large areas.

Now sprayers they often have built-in systems for regulating the dose and distributing the agents, which further increases their effectiveness and minimizes the impact on the environment. Moreover, automatic control allows for the precise application of protective agents, reducing greater losses during operation.