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When is the best time to roll the field after sowing?

Rolling is one of those agricultural treatments that can make a big difference in how our plants grow. Passing by shaft after the field has been sown, we help the soil retain water better, level it and help the seeds settle well. While this all sounds great, this treatment is not always a good idea. Let's check when it's worth doing it rollingand when is it better to let go.

Should I roll immediately after sowing?

Yes, but wisely. Rolling is especially helpful on light soils. Thanks to it, the soil retains water better, the seeds are better embedded, and the plants break through the soil more easily. Rolling it also helps hide stones and protect the field from erosion. But beware, if you expect rain, better wait - rolling procedure before a downpour can do more harm than good.

When to give up rolling?

If you're dealing with heavy soil, it's best to leave it alone rolling after sowing. This action can cause the soil to compact and create a hard crust that makes it difficult for young plants to break through to the surface. Likewise, if the soil is very dry, there will be no benefit from the treatment and you will only waste time and fuel.

Which machine should I choose for rolling?

There are many on the market today agricultural machinery having built-in kneading roller. This is a great option because you can do several things at once, saving valuable resources. One example is AD 3.0 cultivation and seeding unit, which has toothed discs, a hydropack adapted to suspend seed drills and a tire roller. Such equipment not only prepares the soil, but also immediately helps the seeds settle well. Tire roller is crucial here - thanks to it, the seeds, even those deeper in the ground, have a chance to grow better.