FHUP BRASTAL is a dynamically developing company that started its activity in 1993.

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Functions and applications of the string roller in agriculture

There are various tools available on the market, each of which has its own specific purpose adapted to the individual needs of cultivating various types of soil. One such specialized tool is string shaft, which copes perfectly with heavy, difficult soil conditions where other rollers might fail.

How is a string roller constructed?

string roller consists of a series of strong metal circles on which serrated flat bars are mounted. These elements can be positioned perpendicular or at an angle to the direction of travel. As a result, they ensure more effective grinding and mixing of the soil. Flat bars with a thickness of at least 10 mm are available in a smooth version or with sharp teeth. This allows the roller to be adapted to specific needs and soil type.

Application of a string roller

Construction string shaft has gained recognition for its effectiveness in working on clay, rocky and sandy soils. Its serrated elements not only compact the soil, but also break up large and hard lumps, creating a perfectly prepared, fine top layer. This structure promotes plant growth and is especially beneficial before sowing seeds. string roller it is invaluable in preparing the soil after plowing, where its action supports both loosening and proper arrangement of the soil before sowing.

Compatibility of the string roller with agricultural machines

string rollers can be easily integrated with various agricultural machinery, such as disc harrows, cultivators or tilling sets. Thanks to this, farmers can reduce the number of times the machine passes through the field, which results in less soil compaction and saves time and fuel. Integration string shaft with machines, it allows you to perform many different cultivation procedures at once. This type of solution makes agriculture more sustainable and effective.

An example of a tillage unit that can be used with a string roller

If you are considering choosing the right machine for your farm, pay attention to: cultivation aggregate G-4. This model is available in two variants: with six legs with a working width of 3 m and with four legs with a working width of 2 m. It is designed to deeply penetrate the soil, breaking up the topsoil and loosening the soil to a depth of up to 50 cm. All this makes it an ideal tool for preparing land for cultivation. In addition, cultivation aggregate G-4 is equipped with tilling roller, including e.g. string. All you need to do is select the appropriate type for the specific requirements of your farm when placing an order with the manufacturer BRASTAL.