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Plow sole combat methods for farmers

In the face of today's challenges, one of the key problems that farmers face is plow sole. This undesirable effect of intensive soil cultivation can significantly affect the quality and quantity of crops. Understanding nature plow sole and knowledge of effective methods of combating it is important to ensure healthy crop growth as well as to increase work efficiency on the farm.

How is a plow sole made?

Plow sole is a phenomenon that occurs when severe agricultural machinery they systematically press on the soil during field work. This constant pressure creates a compact, impermeable layer of soil. The hard layer creates a barrier that prevents the proper flow of water and air in the soil. As a result, the soil loses its ability to properly transmit nutrients, which significantly limits plant growth. Except that, plow sole makes it difficult for the roots to access deeper layers of soil, which are richer in nutrients.

Therefore, the soil becomes less fertile and the crops may be smaller and of lower quality.

Subsoiling – as a method of breaking up the plow sole

Subsoiling is a highly effective method of elimination plow sole. Using tools such as cultivators or advanced tilling sets (including G-4 models i G-6 from the company Brastal), farmers can reach a working depth of up to 45-50 cm. This technique allows not only to effectively break the hard layer, but also to significantly improve the soil structure.

Subsoiling treatment improves soil airiness and permeability, which is necessary for healthy water and air processes. Moreover, if carried out properly, it contributes to better distribution of water and nutrients in the soil. Therefore, this treatment not only eliminates the existing problem, but also prevents its reoccurrence.

Alternative methods to prevent plow sole

To prevent formation plow sole, farmers can use different practices. Appropriate tires on tractor wheels reduce the pressure on the soil. Avoiding work in periods of increased soil moisture, as well as using special plows with countersinks and chisels - contributes to the protection of the soil structure. Regularly changing the plowing depth is another important practice to prevent the soil from being constantly compacted at the same level.