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Soil tillage: is it worth using the plowing or no-till method?

Tilling the soil is a process that is crucial to plant health. Choosing the right method of cultivation has a direct impact on the quality and quantity of the crops obtained, but also on the soil itself and its ability to absorb nutrients and water. Is it worth using traditional? plowing methodor is it better to bet on a modern, no-till farming method? In this article, we will try to answer this question by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

Definition of farming

Agriculture is a process that aims to properly prepare the soil for sowing or planting plants. It requires farmers to know the type of soil, the crop grown and the cultivation method. Therefore, depending on what plants we want to grow - we choose the right method of cultivation, allowing us to obtain the largest possible amount of healthy and tasty crops.

What is plowing?

Orca is the traditional method tillage, consisting in mixing and turning the top layer of soil to the very bottom. As a result of this process, the soil is aerated, warmed and covered, and crop residues, manure and weeds are mixed in. Orc farming allows you to obtain higher yields, as it allows you to sow more seeds in a given field.

Unfortunately, this method is quite invasive and thus leads to an increase in soil susceptibility to wind and water erosion. Also, intense and too frequent orka can disturb the natural structure and healthy biological environment of the earth. This, in turn, results in the loss of its ability to absorb active ingredients and gradual sterilization.

What is no-till farming?

No-tillage cultivation is a modern method tillagewhich involves loosening and mixing the soil without having to turn it over. This method leaves the remains of the forecrop and catch crop on the surface, thus reducing the risk of erosion, soil crusting, and increasing the soil's ability to absorb nutrients and water.

Plowless cultivation system it is much friendlier to the soil and the environment than traditional plowing. This is because it minimizes the impact orcs on the natural soil environment, namely it does not cause excessive compaction and prevents the loss of organic substances.

Which method is more appropriate for which type of soil and crop?

Choice between plowing i without plowing depends on the type of soil, plants, climate and other factors. On light and sandy soils that are prone to erosion, use is recommended no-tillage cultivation. Heavy soils, which in turn tend to increase in density and heaviness, require intensive orcs to ensure good access to nutrients.

The second important factor is the type of plants grown. Some species, such as potatoes, carrots and onions, require orcswhile others, such as wheat, soybeans and rapeseed, can be grown in a way plowless.

Soil cultivation tools and machines

Do plowing crops i without plowing many different tools and machines can be used. In case of orcs usually applies plow, which is used to turn the soil, mix it and remove crop residues and weeds. Plows they differ in size, shape and number of furrows. Depending on the type of soil and weather conditions can be used plow with one or more furrows. However, multitasking is becoming more and more popular tilling setswhich allow you to perform several operations at the same time, such as crushing clods, plowing and preparing the soil for sowing. In this way, farmers can save time and fuel in a single pass across the field.

W no-tillage cultivation special ones are used plowless aggregateswhich loosen the soil and mix it without having to turn it over. Aggregates these are equipped with tines, discs and rollers to till the soil. Among the available machines for no-tillage cultivation disc aggregates, cultivators and even disc harrows can also be distinguished.

One of the recommended plowless aggregates jest PORT model. Thanks to it, it is possible to preserve the natural structure of the soil and maintain an appropriate level of moisture. Therefore, it is soil-friendly and allows you to reduce costs and, at the same time, the amount of work on a given crop. Check out its full technical specification on our official website Brastal.